Life At Mashrek

As an inclusive community, Mashrek International School believes in the importance of the role of parents and guardians in their children's education and holistic growth. Therefore, forming a partnership with parents was one of the school’s strategic goals. 

Mashrek established a department with 3 sub-committees:

1- Parent Consultation Committee (PCC): previously the Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) which served for almost one scholastic year and was then merged with the Parent Consultation Committee (PCC) in October 2016

2- Cross Community Relations Committee (CCRC)

3- School Community Awareness Committee (SCAC)

Each committee has its own mission, objectives and scope of work. 

During these committees’ meetings, information, opinions, ideas and initiatives are brought to discussion and when decisions are made during these meetings, they will be guided to the right communication channels within the school for guidance and approval to work on accomplishing them.

School Community members are always encouraged and welcomed to express their ideas, opinions and suggestions that would be of value to the overall well-being of the students in order to create a positive learning environment within the whole school community.

Mrs. Dima Darwazeh was assigned as the Coordinator for the Parent Partnership & Communication Department in August 2015 till August 2016. Mrs. Nour Huneiti later took over as Coordinator in August 2016.