News And Events

News & Events

Professional Development Workshop by International Learning Strategist Tonya Gilchrist

What an amazing way to start off the second semester as we begin a week of professional development with the international learning strategist, Tonya Gilchrist (@tonyagilchrist). Our PYP team thoroughly investigates the concepts of translanguaging and co-teaching. Together, we explored the magic of language and envisioned its practical applications in our learning spaces.

Professional Development Workshop by International Learning Strategist Tonya Gilchrist

What an amazing way to start off the second semester as we begin a week of professional development with the international learning strategist, Tonya Gilchrist (@tonyagilchrist). Our PYP team thoroughly investigates the concepts of translanguaging and co-teaching. Together, we explored the magic of language and envisioned its practical applications in our learning spaces.